Jessica Winter
These questions are ones asked in reference to a twitterive assignment for Professor Mangini's WR&T course.

1. Who is/are the characters in your twitterive?
--The characters are Aria, Dr. Sang, Aria's mother, and the receptionist.

2. What connection/disconnection do you feel to your place?
--I guess I can feel a connection to Aria's mental state; all women are forced to make difficult decisions and are judged for them. Even though I've never gotten an abortion or been pregnant, the indecisiveness that she feels is familiar.

3. When does the story take place?
--The story takes place in the present: 2011.

4. Where does the story take place?
--The story takes place on a train, in a doctor's office in Philadelphia, and in Aria's mind.

5. Why does the story take place?
--I think this is a story worth telling/exploring. I think it will be interesting to get to know this girl and understand her situation.

6. How are you "delivering"/presenting the story?
--The story will use prose fiction, an article, pictures, and letters.

Questions from classmates:
1. Did you consider having the doctor write letters to Aria?
--I think this is an option worth thinking about. This actually gave me an idea to have Aria write a final letter to the doctor spilling her thoughts and emotions.

Question #2 about the connection/disconnection to the place was a tough one to answer. Even though I have never been in Aria's situation, I feel empathy for her as well as a connection. It may be because I have had friends who have had to choose between keeping their babies and aborting them.

I got a couple of good ideas from my interviewers; they helped me to expand my thinking and take on more than one perspective.