Jessica Winter
After hearing both sides of organic and non-organic foods, I am still in favor of organic foods. I am actually more deeply rooted in this belief. I know that they helped to cure my mother of cancer.

When my mom was sick, she received a magazine called Back to the Garden: Teaching Health from a Biblical perspective. Here are some quotes/information from the magazine that help to describe the Hallelujah Acres story:

     1) This magazine was created by Rev. Geroge Malkmus after he healed himself of colon cancer and other physical problems following his change to a natural diet and lifestyle in 1976. He emphasizes the importance of raw foods and juicing, and he prefers that people who follow his diet use organic foods.
    2) He learned through research and experience that that sickness--including cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, arthritis, and most other illnesses--are created by our diet and lifestyle and are totally unnecessary and avoidable.
    3) Credentials: Rev. George Malkmus has written two books, Why Christians get sick, in 1989, and God's Way to Ultimate Health in 1995. He opened a health food store in Rogersville, Tennessee on February 12th, 1992, to show people a diet that is healthy and also tastes good. He has conducted seminars all around the country, and also published Back to the Garden, a magazine featuring success stories and the actual "Hallelujah Diet."
    4) The Hallelujah Acres ministry dreams of reaching the whole world with the knowledge and message, "You don't have to be sick!"
    5) While Rev. George Malkmus's view may come off as extreme, he has conducted research to back up his views. Here is his website. 
    Tracy Duffield, in Casey Curl's interview, said that Duffield's Farmer's Market uses Systemic pesticides. These pesticides cannot be washed off of the vegetable; they are absorbed. Even peeling the vegetable wouldn't get rid of the pesticide. According to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 10 of the 12 most dangerous and persistent organic chemicals are pesticides.

While I respect Tracy Duffield's views in favor of conventional farming, I do not agree. In her interview, she said that there was "no research out there stating that pesticides are harmful." She believes that they may be harmful when the farm workers "mishandle their usage." However, the United States Environmental Protection Agency states that, "The health effects of pesticides depend on the type of pesticide. Some, such as the organophosphates and carbamates, affect the nervous system. Others may irritate the skin or eyes. Some pesticides may be carcinogens [Cancer causing agents!]. Others may affect the hormone or endocrine system in the body."

Because of the research I've done, I believe that incurable is curable, and that organic foods are healthier for our bodies than locally grown foods that use harmful pesticides.